SgSI will support the travel costs for good standing members who wish to attend international meetings and congresses. This is subject to them meeting the assessment criteria for these awards.


Fellowship Amount

SgSI will award the following amounts based on the conference venue:
S$1,500 (Asia & Oceania)
S$2,500 (Africa, Europe, North & South America)

Application Deadline: 15th October 2024

Awardee Announcement: 1st November 2024

Fellowship Amount

Successful applicants will be notified via email approximately two weeks after the application deadline. Results will also be posted on SgSI website.


Applicant must be a current member of SgSI.
Applicant must be currently residing in Singapore.
Conference location must not be in Singapore.
Applicant must be doing a poster/oral presentation.

Conference date must be at least 2 weeks after Application Deadline and within 1 year of award date

Current call awardees will not be considered for the next call.
Application Documents
  1. SgSI Travel Award Application Form

  2. Letter of support from supervisor or head of department
Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Terms and Conditions

Successful applicants must:
  1. Acknowledge SgSI for their financial support on your poster and or oral presentation as well as well as displaying SgSI logo

  2. Provide the following documents to SgSI within 1 month after attending the conference:

– *Short meeting report outlining their experience and how beneficial it was (250 words)

– *Photos of yourself at the conference presenting a poster/giving a talk

– Copy of your travel expenses receipts (air ticket (economy class only via most direct route), registration, accommodation) that amount up to the maximum award given (if total expenses are less than award amount, SgSI will reimburse the actual expense incurred)

– Name (to be written on cheque) and mailing address
*This will be shared on SgSI’s website.
SgSI will disburse the monies to the recipient within one month upon receipt of all documents.
Please note that failure to comply with the terms and conditions may result in the Society not awarding your funding and/or future applications denied.
Although the SgSI endeavours to ensure that travel awards are awarded to as many applicants as possible, there will be occasions where applications are unsuccessful.